10. Use Herbs and Supplements

Tumeric has been recommended for the treatment of cancer. There are ways to improve the effect. Add Pepper, and some fat or oil. I have found that using Coconut Cream with Tumeric, Ginger and black pepper, with other ingredients in a smoothie is a good way to have it. Start out with small quantities of each, with banana’s or berries until you get used to it.

I use about 2 cm of Cucumber, 2 Teaspoons of dried Kale, 2 Teaspoons of Tumeric, 1 Teaspoon of Ginger, 1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon, 20 grinds of black pepper (having said that the pepper grinder isn’t very good) 2 teaspoons of ground linseed, 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds, and half a dozen activated almonds, with about 100mls of Coconut cream and topped up with coconut water to 500mls total in a blender. This is seriously textured but seems to be very good for me, giving me a lot of the minerals and vitamins I need along with the Tumeric and Ginger. I try and make sure I have this 4-5 times a week. Often I have half mid morning and the other half mid afternoon.

In Winter, I have been having my herbs and spices in my morning porridge, a tspn of Tumeric, Ginger and Cinnamon, a dash of nutmeg, linseed, sunflower and chia seeds, with some Goji berries. Superfood porridge.

I personally don’t use enough garlic, I need to find a way to add it to my diet easily. Doesn’t go well in a smoothie or granola as I once found when I mistakenly added garlic that looked like sesame seed by mistake.

In Wellington NZ we have a store Moore Wilsons, where you can buy the above ingredients in bulk at very reasonable prices.

BlogDescriptionAuthorPublished Date
The healing bodyAn unscientific view of how the body seems to healpeter1 February, 2022