8. A Strong Reason(s) to Live

Make sure you write them done. Having a reason ‘why’ will help overcome the challenge of making change. Print them out and carry them with you. Try and check them regularly. If you want to get carried away create a personal Mission Statement, set yourself a Vision, and/or formalise your values. The action of doing this really helps clarify what is important in life and to you.

A strong reason to live gives you strength that you often didn’t realise you have, to be able to make the changes you need to, or get you back on track if you get temporarily diverted.

Ideally set goals, making sure that they are clearly defined, have a goal date, are written down and have action steps towards achieving them. If you choose, you can share these with someone and get them to help by making sure your accountable for completing your actions.

Make sure you review them regularly. Check out our resources page for more information. In our Resources pages is also a template for LifePlan on a Page.

Think about your Roles and Responsibilities. Are you a Parent of, Partner of, Child of, Sibling of, Community Member of, Leader of, Provider for, Patient of, etc.. Each of these Roles requires different things of you.