4. Use your intuition
To use your intuition you need to have some information first to test against. For instance, for the author, reading about the benefits of an Alkaline diet for treating cancer intuitively felt correct to me. Equally when recommended to use Steroid creams on my skin by the dermatologist intuitively felt right. Receiving Ultra-Violet light treatment didn’t feel quite so right and after several months of treatment it wasn’t helping, in fact I think it was potentially hindering, so I gave it up. Following my intuition seems to be working for me.
There can be traps with this, your mind can play tricks with you and make you feel that you choosing a behaviour won’t do you any harm, for instance eating refined sugar. I have never read anywhere that eating refined sugar is good for a cancer sufferer (or anyone for that matter). What I am saying is that use your intuition to reflect on a recommended course of action, not as a justification for any random behaviour. Use this section to judge whether the other sections make sense to you.
Others have recommended recording your dreams and if relevant listening to them and behaving accordingly.
For some Journaling is helpful. i.e. I did X today and it made me feel better. Or I did Y today and it made me feel worse. Reflecting back on the experiences you can see if you can understand why you are feeling better or worse and then give yourself an idea on how to change for the positive.