2. Embrace Social Support
Share your situation, with those that you trust will support you. A problem shared is a problem halved as the saying goes. From sharing you can get:
• Ideas from others that can help your situation
• An appreciation of the challenges others face as you hear stories of other
• The ability to clarify your own thinking
After you have shared a few times it becomes easier. Don’t expect that just because you’ve shared your situation that everyone is going to continuously care. People often don’t quite know how to respond, so be prepared for any kind of response. An appearance of indifference or a silence, may be that the person you’re sharing with just doesn’t know how to respond. Others may appear to try and out do you, by sharing their situation or a situation they have been in or someone else they know. It doesn’t mean they don’t care about you, once again they may just not know how to respond.
If you can find someone that is one a similar journey or better still has had success at beating the same or similar situation then you are more likely to get someone that understands. Of course, everyone approaches things from a different angle as we all come from a unique background.
There are all sorts of support groups you may want to consider. Check out on line or at the hospital or with other care providers you use.
If you are looking to make changes in your life find an accountability buddy. Someone that you can share your goals with who will take the time to review these regularly with them. Sometimes you will be more motivated if you have made a commitment in front of others, then if you do to yourself. Make sure that the goals you set are realistic so that you can build upon successes, and ideally track them with your accountability buddy.